To comply with the prescriptive requirements the following building types are required to have a PV system installed unless the building qualifies for an exception.
Office, Financial Institutions, Unleased Tenant Space
Auditorium, Convention Center, Hotel/Motel, Library, Medical Office Building/Clinic, Restaurant, Theater
For all building types listed in Table 9-1, the PV size in kW dc must be not less than the smaller of the PV system size determined by Equation 9-1, or the total of all available Solar Access Roof Areas (SARAs) multiplied by 14 W/ft².
SARAs include the area of the building roof, covered parking areas, carports, and all other newly constructed structures that are capable of structurally supporting a PV system per Title 24, California Code of Regulations, Part 2, (California Building Code or CBC) Section 1511.2. SARA does not include any roof area with less than 70 percent annual solar access, occupied roofs as specified by CBC Section 503.1.4, or roof space that is not available due to compliance with other building code requirements if confirmed by the Executive Director.
The annual solar access is the ratio of solar insolation including shading to the solar insolation without shading. Annual solar access is determined by dividing the total annual solar insolation (accounting for shading obstructions) by the total annual solar insolation if the same areas were unshaded by those obstructions. For all roofs, all obstructions including those that are external to the building, and obstructions that are part of the building design and elevation features may be considered for the annual solar access calculations. Refer to Exceptions for Reduced Solar Zone Due to Shade in Section 9.6.2 for an example of how to calculate annual solar access.
kWPV required = (CFA x A)/1000
kWPV = kWdc size of the PV system
CFA = Conditioned floor area
A = Capacity factor from Table 9-1
Mixed-occupancy buildings, where 80 percent or more of the floor area is for one, or more, of the building types listed in Table 9-1, must comply with these prescriptive requirements. Where the building includes more than one of the space types listed in Table 9-1, the total PV system capacity for the building shall be determined by applying Equation 9-1 to each of the listed space types and summing the capacities determined for each.
Climate Zone | 1,3,5,6 | 2,4,6-14 | 15 |
Grocery | 2.62 | 2.91 | 3.53 |
High Rise Multifamily | 1.82 | 2.21 | 2.77 |
Office, Financial Institutions, Unleased Tenant Space | 2.59 | 3.13 | 3.8 |
Retail | 2.62 | 2.91 | 3.53 |
School | 1.27 | 1.63 | 2.46 |
Warehouse | 0.39 | 0.44 | 0.58 |
Auditorium, Convention Center, Hotel/Motel, Library, Medical Office Building/Clinic, Restaurant, Theater | 0.39 | 0.44 | 0.58 |
Factor A – Minimum PV Capacity (W/ft² of conditioned floor area)
Source: California Energy Commission
There are five allowable exceptions to the prescriptive PV requirements as listed below.
Exception 1: No PV system is required if the total SARA is less than 3 percent of conditioned floor area.
Exception 2: No PV system is required when the minimum PV system is less than 4 kWdc.
Exception 3: No PV system is required if the SARA is less than 80 contiguous square.
Exception 4: Buildings with enforcement-authority-approved roof designs, where the enforcement authority determines it isn’t possible for the PV system, including panels, modules, components, supports, and attachments to the roof structure, to meet the snow load requirements of Ch. 7 in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Standard 7-16.
Exception 5: No PV is required for multi-tenant buildings in areas where a load serving entity does not provide either a virtual net metering (VNEM) or community solar program.
Example 9-1: PV Exceptions
I am designing a warehouse with less than 4,000 square feet of conditioned floor area in Climate Zone 12. Is PV required for my building?
First determine the kWdc required by using Equation 9-1 and Table 9-1. A warehouse in Climate Zone 12 has a PV capacity factor of 0.44.
kWPV required = (CFA x A)/1000 = (4,000 x 0.44) / 1000 = 1.76 kWdc
Since the required PV is less than 4 kWdc, it qualifies for Exception 2, and a PV system is not required.
Example 9-2:
The local utility serving my new multitenant building does not offer VNEM or provide any community solar program. Am I required to find a third-party provider for VNEM?
No. Since the local utility do not offer either VNEM or community solar, PV is not required under Exception 5.
The installed PV system whether using the prescriptive or performance approach must meet the applicable requirements specified in JA11.
For prescriptive path compliance, a PV system with module pitches greater than 2:12, or 10 degrees, must be oriented with an azimuth between 90 to 300 degrees measured clockwise from true north. Module pitches smaller than 2:12 or less than 10 degrees (low-slope) can be installed in any orientation since the azimuth of low-slope modules has an insignificant impact on array performance.
When using the performance approach, the array may be oriented in any direction, including due north; however, the more the orientation deviates from the optimum orientation of southwest, the worse the system performs, resulting in a larger PV system size to be needed to achieve compliance. It is best to orient the panels as close to southwest as possible to maximize the system performance with the smallest array size.
There are two options for using a California Flexible Installation approach to simplity computer compliance modeling. To use the California Flexible Installation 1 (CFI1) , the PV array must be installed between 150 to 270 degrees from true north, with all modules at the same tilt as the roof for pitches up to 7:12. When the CFI2 option is selected in the performance calculation, the PV array can be installed in a larger azimuth range; the PV array must be installed between 105 and 300 degrees from true north, with all modules at the same tilt as the roof for pitches up to 7:12. When selecting CFI2, the performance of the proposed system is derated by approximately 10 percent, which results in a larger PV size being necessary to comply.
If the PV array does not meet either CFI1 or CFI2, then the actual orientation and tilt of the PV array shall be described.
Shading from obstructions must be limited to meet the performance or prescriptive requirements. Any obstruction located north of the array does not need to be considered. Obstructions include the following:
Any vent, chimney, architectural feature, mechanical equipment, or other obstruction that is on the roof or any other part of the building.
Any part of the neighboring terrain.
Any tree that is mature at the time of installation of the PV system.
Any tree that is planted on the building lot or neighboring lots or planned to be planted as part of landscaping for the building. (The expected shading shall be based on the mature height of the tree.)
Any existing neighboring building or structure.
Any planned neighboring building or structure that is known to the applicant or building owner.
Any telephone or other utility pole that is closer than 30 feet from the nearest point of the array.
Example 9-3: Shading
What would be the impact of shading on the PV sizing requirement?
Prescriptively the PV array cannot have any shading, and the weighted average annual solar access as measured by an approved solar assessment tool must be at least 98 percent by panel count. Under the performance path, there is no minimum requirement for annual solar access; however, the increase in shading (lower annual solar access) will necessitate a larger PV size to meet the same TDV budget as a smaller unshaded PV system.
A solar assessment tool that is approved by the executive director must be used to demonstrate the shading conditions of the PV system or to claim an exception based on limited amount of solar access.
The installer must provide documentation that demonstrates the actual shading condition of the installed PV system using an approved solar assessment tool. To be certified by the executive director, the solar assessment tool:
Must calculate the annual solar access percentage of each solar array and a weighted average of the PV system. The calculation must include all known obstructions, including any tree that is planted on the building lot or neighboring lots or planned to be planted as part of landscaping for the building.
Must not include horizon shading in the calculation by default.
Must produce a shade report with a summary of the PV system, including the address of the project, individual array panel count, orientation, annual solar access percentage, and a weighted average of the PV system as a whole.
Must ensure that annual solar access percentage values are comparable to on-site measurements if the model shading condition of the tool is based on satellite or aerial images. Documentation must be provided to the CEC as proof.
The PV system must have a web portal and a mobile device application that enables the building owner, manager, or occupants to monitor the performance of their PV system to identify, report, and correct performance issues with the panels, inverters, shading, or other issues that may adversely impact the performance of the PV system. At a minimum, the occupants must have access to the following information:
- The nominal kW rating the PV system
- Number of PV modules and the nominal watt rating of each module
- Hourly (or 15-minute interval), daily, monthly, and annual kWh production in numeric and graphic formats for the system
- Running total of daily kWh production
- Daily kW peak power production
- Current kW production of the entire PV system
In addition to the requirements above, the PV system must also meet the following requirements in JA11:
Interconnection Requirements: All inverters in the PV system must comply with all requirements in the CPUC Electric Tariff Rule 21. Rule 21 requires that inverters have certain capabilities to ensure proper operation of the electrical grid as more renewables are interconnected. The inverters must perform functions that can autonomously contribute grid support during excursions from normal operating voltage and frequency system conditions by providing dynamic reactive/real power support, voltage and frequency ride-through, ramp rate controls, communication systems with ability to accept external commands, and other functions.
Certificates and Availability: The PV installer shall certify on the certificate of installation that all provisions of JA11 are met and provide a solar assessment report meeting one of the following conditions:
A satellite, drone, or other digital image used in the solar assessment report must be created and dated after the PV system is installed.
If the satellite, drone, or other digital image used in the solar assessment report is dated before the PV is installed, additional on-site pictures must be attached to clearly show that the installed system matches the system modeled in the solar assessment report.
The certificate of installation must be available on the building site for inspections.
Enforcement Agency Responsibilities: The local enforcement agency must verify that the certificate of installation is complete and correct, and upload into a Commission-approved registry.
Example 9-4: Remote Monitoring
How do I implement monitoring to meet JA11.5.1 including the current reading?
There are several options. Many inverters can connect to the building owner’s internet, via ethernet or wireless or both. Others use independent cellular connections. For cellular, the data should be updated to the monitoring portal periodically as allowed by the cellular plan