8.6 Additions and Alterations

Additions are like newly constructed buildings, and all requirements of §130.5 apply to additions. For additions, the discussions in the previous sections of this chapter apply.

A summary of requirements for alterations of electrical power distribution systems is as follows:

  1. Service Electrical Metering – New or replacement electrical service equipment shall meet the requirements of §130.5(a). Alterations that do not install new service equipment or replace existing service equipment are not held to these requirements. This requirement applies only to the service and does not apply to new or replaced feeders.
  2. Separation of Electrical Circuits for Electrical Energy Monitoring – For entirely new or complete replacement of electrical power distribution systems, the entire system shall meet the applicable requirements of §130.5(b). Alterations that do not install an entirely new power distribution system or completely replace an existing power distribution system are not held to these requirements.
  3. Voltage Drop – Alterations of feeders and branch circuits that include any addition, modification, or replacement of both feeders, and branch circuits must meet the requirements of §130.5(c). Alterations that do not include both the feeder and branch circuit are not held to these requirements. For example, if a branch circuit is replaced but the feeder to the panel board is not touched, the feeder and branch circuit would not need to meet the 5 percent maximum voltage drop requirement.
    The same exceptions for voltage drop permitted by the California Electric Code apply for alterations.
  4. Circuit Controls for 120-Volt Receptacles and Controlled Receptacles – For entirely new or complete replacement of electrical power distribution systems, the entire system shall meet the applicable requirements of §130.5(d) and §130.5(e).

Example 8-12: Alterations Limited to Adding New Feeders


I have an existing building with multiple tenant spaces, and each tenant space is served by separate and individual feeders. I am breaking up one large tenant space into two smaller ones. I plan to reuse the existing feeder and add a new feeder. Is it mandatory to provide a meter for the new feeder?


No, this requirement is limited to new or replacement electrical service equipment and does not apply to feeders. For alterations involving only new or replacement feeders, there is no requirement to install a meter for the newly added or replaced feeder.

Example 8-13: Alterations With Entirely New or Complete Replacement Electrical Power Distribution Systems


Does the language “entirely new or complete replacement” in §141.0(b)2Pii and iv refer to the entire building or just the altered areas of the building?


This language applies to the electrical power distribution system within the building and therefore effectively refers to the entire building. A modification of only part of the electrical power distribution system does not trigger the requirement.

For example, the scope of work for a tenant improvement project does not typically involve installing or replacing the entire electrical power distribution system; therefore, separation of electrical circuits would not typically be required. However, first-time buildouts of tenant spaces must meet requirements for newly buildings if the local enforcement agency classifies first-time buildouts as a newly constructed building or space. See Example 8-14 for more information.

Another example is a project where a portion of the system is upgraded for greater electrical capacity and the work scope includes replacement of panelboards, associated feeders, and overcurrent protection devices. This is not a complete replacement or entirely new electrical power distribution system, since there is existing equipment that is not changed or replaced.

Example 8-14: First-Time Buildouts in Shell Spaces


Do controlled receptacle requirements and separation of electrical circuits requirements apply to first-time tenant improvements in a building with multiple tenant shells?


Yes. If the local enforcement agency classifies first-time buildouts (first-generation tenant improvement) as a newly constructed building or space, it must meet all requirements for newly constructed buildings. These requirements include controlled receptacles and separation of electrical circuits in §130.5. Check with the local enforcement agency for its policy on first-generation tenant improvements.

A tenant improvement to an existing space that has been previously developed must meet the alteration requirements for controlled receptacles and separation of electrical circuits in §141.0(b)2Piv. Controlled receptacle and separation of electrical circuit requirements will apply only to alterations where there is an entirely new or complete replacement of the electrical power distribution system for the entire building.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

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