8.1 Overview
8.1.1 What’s New for the 2022 Energy Code?

The significant change for electrical power distribution systems in the 2022 update to the Energy Code is demand-responsive controls for controlled receptacles. See Appendix D for demand-responsive controls and equipment.

8.1.2 Scope and Applications

The following requirements for electrical power distribution systems apply to all nonresidential and hotel/motel buildings. All the requirements in §130.5 for electrical power distribution systems are mandatory and are therefore not included in the energy budget for the performance compliance approach.

A. New Construction and Additions

The requirements of §130.5 apply to all newly constructed buildings and additions.

B. Alterations

The requirements for alterations to electrical power distribution systems are covered in §141.0(b)2P.

For alterations with new or replacement electrical service equipment, the requirements of §130.5(a) must be met. For alterations with entirely new or complete replacements of electrical power distribution systems, the requirements of §130.5(b) and (d) must be met. An electrical power distribution system can encompass service equipment, disconnecting means, overcurrent protection devices, feeders, circuit feeders, luminaires, receptacles, and electrical equipment such as switchboards, step-down transformers, and panelboards. For example, a building rehabilitation project where the entire electrical power distribution system is replaced is required to meet the requirements of §130.5(b) and (d).

For alterations (which include adding, modifying, or replacing) to feeders and branch circuits, the voltage drop requirements of §130.5(c) must be met. See Section 8.6 of this manual and §141.0(b)2P for the requirements for alterations to electrical power distribution systems.

C. Acceptance Testing, Commissioning, and Installation Certificates

Acceptance testing is required for demand-responsive controlled receptacles. A certificate of acceptance will be required to document that installed controls meet the requirements of the Energy Code.

See Section 8.8 for more information on compliance, installation, and acceptance documentation.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

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