The following are guidelines for manufacturers to ensure their lighting products meet residential lighting requirements of the Energy Standards:
Light source products (luminaires, lamps, and light sources) that are required to comply with Reference Joint Appendix JA8 shall be marked with JA8-2022 or JA8-2022-E.
For lighting control and light source products to be certified to the Energy Commission (as defined in §100.1), the manufacturer must comply with the requirements of certification. Certification can be done on the Energy Commission’s Certifications Packets webpage which is The procedures include filling out a certification packet and submitting a declaration of compliance, executed under penalty of perjury of the laws of California, that the regulated product meets the requirements.
Building departments, builders, installers, lighting designers, and specifiers are advised to use the MAEDBS database to verify that a regulated product has been certified to the Energy Commission by the manufacturer.
Luminaires do not need to be shipped with a JA8-certified lamp by manufacturers.
Joint Appendix JA8, “Qualification Requirements for High Luminous Efficacy Light Sources,” is a technical specification with requirements for luminaires, lamps, and light sources. JA8 specifies the performance requirements that light sources must meet, and the testing procedures that must be used to measure the performance metrics. Table 6-3 provides an overview of performance requirements.
The elevated temperature life test requirement is optional as stated in JA8.5, and is required only for light source products intended for installation in enclosed or recessed luminaires. Light sources that have passed the elevated temperature life test specified in the ENERGY STAR Product Specification for Lamps Version 2.1, or that have passed the rated life test specified in the ENERGY STAR Product Specification for Luminaires Version 2.1, can be marked with JA8-2022-E.
LED trim kit products like the one shown in Figure 6-3 do not need to be tested for elevated temperature or marked with JA8-2022-E; however, they are still required to comply with JA8 and be marked with JA-8-2022.
Figure 6-6-3 An image of a LED Trim Kit

Source: California Energy Commission
Joint Appendix JA10, “Test Method for Measuring Flicker of Lighting Systems and Reporting Requirements,” is a supplement to the reduced flicker operation requirement of JA8. JA10 describes the test method to measure the flickering of light from the lighting system. The test involves using signal processing to remove high frequency components and quantifies flicker as a percent amplitude modulation below a given cut-off frequency.
JA8-certified products, including luminaires, lamps, and light sources, must be marked as meeting the requirement of Section JA8.5.
Table 6-2 shows different marking designations depending on the light source type.
Table 6-3 shows the required data to be submitted to the Energy Commission for JA8 certification and for meeting JA8.6.
Light Source Type | Marking Designation | Testing Notes for Meeting the Lumen Maintenance and Rated Life Requirements |
1.Ceiling recessed downlight luminaires | JA8-2022 | Optional for the rated life test of ENERGY STAR® Product Spec for Luminaires Version 2.2. |
2.Lamps and light sources installed in enclosed or recessed luminaires | JA8-2022-E | Light sources must pass the elevated temperature life test of ENERGY STAR ® Product Spec for Lamps Version 2.1; or the rated life test of ENERGY STAR ® Product Spec for Luminaires Version 2.2 to be marked with “JA8-2022-E”. |
3.Light sources other than #1 and #2. | JA8-2022 | Optional for the rated life test of ENERGY STAR ® Product Spec for Lamps Version 2.1 or Section 10 of ENERGY STAR ® Product Spec for Luminaires Version 2.2. |
Light source type | LED, OLED, Fluorescent, HID, Incandescent, Other |
Product type | Omnidirectional lamp, Directional lamp, Decorative lamp, LED light engine, Inseparable SSL luminaire, T20 lamp, Other |
Lab accredited by NVLAP or accreditation body operating in accordance with ISO/IEC 17011 | Yes |
Initial efficacy | ≥ 45 lumens/W |
Power factor at full rated power | ≥ 0.90 |
Start time | ≤ 0.5 sec |
Correlated color temperature (CCT) | ≤ 4000 K |
Color rendering index (CRI) | ≥ 90 for all products other than T20 lamps ≥ 82 for T20 lamps |
Color rendering R9 (red) | ≥ 50 for all products other than T20 lamps |
Ambient or elevated temperature | Ambient or Elevated |
Minimum dimming level | ≤ 10% |
Dimming control compatibility | At least one type must be listed |
NEMA SSL 7A compatible? | If compatible with forward phase cut dimmer control, “Yes.” If not, “NA.” |
FLICKER: | -- |
See JA10 Table 10-1 for flicker data requirements and permissible answers | < 30% for frequencies ≤ 200 Hz at 100% light output |
See JA10 Table 10-1 for flicker data requirements and permissible answers | < 30% for frequencies ≤ 200 Hz at 20% light output |
100% light output: Audible noise | ≤ 24 Dba |
20% light output: Audible noise | ≤ 24 Dba |
MARKING: | -- |
Marked in accordance with JA8.5 | Yes |