The mandatory requirements must be met for all outdoor lighting projects when they are applicable. Mandatory requirements for outdoor lighting are specified in §110.9, §130.0, §130.2, and §130.4. Mandatory requirements include lighting controls devices and system requirements, outdoor lighting controls installation requirements, luminaire shielding, and outdoor lighting control acceptance testing.
The 2022 Energy Code includes outdoor luminaire shielding requirements based on the luminaire’s initial lumen rating. All outdoor luminaires that emit 6,200 initial lumens or greater must comply with backlight, uplight, and glare (BUG) requirements contained in §5.106.8 of the CALGreen Code (Title 24, Part 11).
The BUG ratings assume that the light emitted from the luminaire is providing useful illuminance on the task surfaces rather than scattering the light in areas where the light is not needed or intended, such as toward the sky. These BUG ratings also increase visibility because high amounts of light shining directly into observer’s eyes are reduced, thus decreasing glare. Additionally, light pollution into neighbors’ properties is reduced. The BUG requirements vary by outdoor lighting zones which are described in section 6.3.
Luminaire manufacturers are aware of the technical details of the BUG ratings and typically provide the BUG ratings for their luminaires in product specifications or cutsheets. In the rare occasions where the luminaire manufacturer does not provide a BUG rating, it can be calculated with outdoor lighting software if the luminaire photometric data is available.
There are exceptions to the luminaire shielding and the BUG rating requirements in CALGreen and the Energy Code.
The following are the exceptions in CALGreen Section 5.106.8: (The information is extracted from the 2022 CALGreen Code):
- Emergency lighting
- Building façade meeting the requirements in Table 140.7-B of the California Energy Code, Part 6
- Custom features as allowed by the local enforcing agency, as permitted by Section 101.8 (of the CALGreen Code) Alternate materials, designs and methods of construction
- Luminaires with less than 6,200 initial luminaire lumens.
The following are exceptions in §130.2 of the Energy Code for outdoor lighting applications that are exempted from the luminaire shielding requirements. In some of these applications lighting directed sideways and upwards may be desirable.
- Signs.
- Lighting for building façades, public monuments, public art, statues, and vertical surfaces of bridges.
- Lighting required by a health or life safety statute, ordinance, or regulation that may fail to meet the uplight and glare limits due to application limitations.
- Temporary outdoor lighting that does not persist beyond 60 consecutive days or more than 120 days per year.
- Replacement of existing pole mounted luminaires in hardscape areas that are spaced more than six times the mounting height of the existing luminaires and the replacement luminaire wattage is less than or equal to the wattage of the original luminaires. In addition:
- Where the existing luminaire does not meet the BUG requirements in Section 130.2(b).
- Where no additional poles are being added to the site.
- Where new wiring to the luminaires is not being installed.
- Luminaires that light the public right of way including publicly maintained or utility-maintained roads, sidewalks, or bikeways.
In addition, local ordinance may have a more stringent outdoor lighting BUG requirements than that of the CALGreen Code — the local ordinance would govern the outdoor lighting BUG requirements in that scenario.
Which outdoor lighting are exempted from the CALGreen requirements in Section 5.106.8?
Certain categories of outdoor lighting luminaires are exempted from the light pollution reduction requirements of CALGreen Code Section 5.106.8, and they are as follows.
First, outdoor lighting luminaires with less than 6,200 initial luminaire lumens are exempted.
Second, listed below are additional outdoor lighting luminaires which are also exempted. (Listed below are for a quick reference. For more details, see the box further below.)
Outdoor lighting with custom features as allowed by Section 101.8 of the California CALGreen Code.
Building façade lighting indicated in Table 140.7-B of the California Energy Code.
Emergency lighting.
How do you determine the glare rating for a luminaire located in Lighting Zone 3?
(Relevant information extracted from the 2022 CALGreen Code and they are included here for reference.)
CALGreen Facing – Glare.
For luminaires covered by Section of the CALGreen Code, if a property line also exists within or extends into the front hemisphere within two mounting heights (2 MH) of the luminaire, then the luminaire shall comply with the more stringent glare rating specified in Table 5.106.8 based on the lighting zone and distance to the nearest point on the nearest property line within the front hemisphere.
CALGreen Table 5.106.8

Images Source: California Energy Commission. (The information is extracted from the 2022 CALGreen Code and included here for reference.)
Start by looking up Table 5.106.8 of CALGreen Code.
Refer to Column 5 for Lighting Zone 3. The top rows show the backlight rating, the two rows in the middle show the glare rating, and the bottom rows show the uplight rating.
Next, determine the glare rating from the bottom rows and locate the values from Column 5.
See below for a summary of information related to the luminaires in this example for Lighting Zone 3.

Images Source: California Energy Commission. (The information is extracted from the 2022 CALGreen Code and included here for reference to the above example.)
The maximum allowable glare rating for Lighting Zone 3 ranges from G3, G1, and G0 and the glare rating would depend on the location of the luminaire from a property line.
The glare rating is the maximum allowable rating and therefore any rating that is less than the maximum rating is also allowed. For luminaires located greater than two mounting heights from a property line, a luminaire with a glare rating of G3, G2, G1, or G1 meets the requirement.
How do you determine glare requirements for the luminaires shown in the pictures below and are located in Lighting Zone 3?

Images Source: courtesy of Lithonia Lighting, a part of Acuity Brands Lighting & Controls.
First, determine if the luminaire is located within two mounting heights (2 MH) of distance from property line, and refer to Table 5.106.8 of the CALGreen code for the allowable glare rating.
If the distance is greater than 2 MH, the glare rating of the luminaire must be G3 or less (i.e., G2, G1 or G0).
If the distance is within one to two mounting heights (MH) of distance from the property line, the glare rating of the luminaire must be G1 or less (i.e., G0).
Similarly, if the distance is within a half to one mounting height of distance from the property line, the glare rating of the luminaire must be G1 or less (i.e., G0).
If the distance is less than a half mounting height of distance from the property line, the glare rating of the luminaire must be G0.
The above could also be summarized in a tabular format as follows.

Images Source: California Energy Commission. (The information is extracted from the 2022 CALGreen Code Table 150.6.8 and included here for reference to the above example.)
How do you determine backlight requirements for the luminaire shown in the picture below and the luminaires are located in Lighting Zone 3?

Images Source: courtesy of Lithonia Lighting, a part of Acuity Brands Lighting & Controls.
(This information below is extracted from the 2022 CALGreen Code and included here for reference.)
CALGreen Facing — Backlight
Luminaires within two mounting heights (2 MH) of a property line shall be oriented so that the nearest property line is behind the fixture, and shall comply with the backlight rating specified in Table 5.106.8 based on the lighting zone and distance to the nearest point of that property line.
Exception: Corners. If two property lines (or two segments of the same property line) have equidistant points to the luminaire, then the luminaire may be oriented so that the intersection of the two lines (the corner) is directly behind the luminaire. The luminaire shall still use the distance to the nearest point(s) on the property lines to determine the required backlight rating.
CALGreen Table 5.106.8

(The above information is extracted from the 2022 CALGreen Code and included here for reference.)
First, if the luminaire is located at more than two mounting height (2 MH) of distance from the property line, there is no mandatory backlight rating (no limit on backlight) for the luminaire.
For a luminaire located within two mounting height (2 MH) of distance from the property line and that is not exempt, the luminaire must comply with the backlight rating listed in Table 5.106.8.
For a luminaire located in Lighting Zone 3 (LZ3) and within one to two mounting heights (MH) of distance from the property line, the backlight rating of the luminaire must be B4 or less (i.e., B3, B2, B1 or B0).
For the same luminaire in LZ3 and within a half to one mounting height of distance from the property line, the backlight rating of the luminaire must be B3 or less (i.e., B2, B1 or B0).
For the same luminaire in LZ3 and located less than a half mounting height of distance from the property line, the backlight rating of the luminaire must be B1 or less (i.e., B0).
The above information could also be summarized in a tabular format below.

(This information is extracted from the 2022 CALGreen Code.)
Where is the property line if the area under construction is located next to a public road?
For a property line that abuts a public roadway or transit corridor, the property line may be the centerline of the public roadway or transit corridor.
For a property lines that abuts a public walkway, bikeway, plaza, or parking lot, the property line may be 5 feet beyond the actual property line.
What is the IES BUG system for outdoor luminaires?
Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) published the technical memorandum ’Luminaire Classification for Outdoor Luminaires’ (document TM-15-20). This document defines three-dimensional regions of analysis for exterior luminaires and further establishes zonal lumen limits for these regions as part of a larger method of categorizing outdoor lighting equipment into backlight, uplight, and glare components. Collectively, the three components are referred to as the BUG system.

The Three Primary Solid Angles of the Luminaire Classification System for Outdoor Luminaires
Image Source: Illuminating Engineering Society (image from ANSI/IES TM-15-20)
The zonal lumen limits per secondary solid angles for uplight and glare are based upon the methodology found in TM-15. The lighting zone in which the project is located determines the maximum zonal lumens for backlight, uplight, and glare.
To comply with this mandatory measure, the luminaire must not exceed the maximum zonal lumen limits for each secondary solid angle region per lighting zone. The zonal lumen values in a photometric test report must include any tilt or other nonlevel mounting condition of the installed luminaire. The BUG rating requirements can be found in CALGreen Code §5.106.8.
The BUG rating for luminaires may be determined with outdoor lighting software or by contacting the manufacturer. There is also software available to produce a BUG rating for a tilted luminaire condition (which is not a typical circumstance for most applications). Since the California BUG limits and calculation procedures match the IES, no deviation from the IES BUG rating is necessary.
A new parking lot adjacent to a building is being designed to be illuminated by wall packs rated at 7,000 initial luminaire lumens. The wall packs are mounted on the side of the building, and their main purpose is parking lot illumination. But they are also illuminating the façade of the building. Do these wall packs have to meet the backlight, uplight, and glare (BUG) rating limits?
Yes, these 7,000 lumen wall packs will have to meet the BUG rating requirements because the main purpose is parking lot illumination. Luminaire mounting methods or locations do not necessarily determine the purpose of the illumination. Define the function of the luminaire by determining what the majority of the light is striking. For a typical wall pack, 80% or more of the light is likely striking the parking lot or sidewalk in front of the building, and only 20% or less on the façade, so BUG rating limits apply.
Each luminaire must be appropriately assigned to the function area that it is illuminating, whether it is mounted to a pole, building, or other structure. Only luminaires that are rated less than 6,200 initial luminaire lumens or outdoor lighting applications that are exempt, are not required to meet the backlight, uplight, and glare (BUG) requirements in the Energy Code.
If a low BUG rating luminaire is mounted at a tilt, does it still meet the BUG requirements?
It depends. Luminaires that meet the zonal lumen limits when mounted at 90° to nadir may or may not comply with the BUG rating limits when they are mounted at a tilt.
For a tilted luminaire to meet this requirement, a photometric test report must be provided showing that the luminaire meets the zonal lumen limits at the proposed tilt. There are lighting design software available to calculate a BUG rating for a tilted luminaire, or this can be provided by the manufacturer.
The primary requirements for outdoor lighting controls are as follows:
- Daylight Availability: All outdoor lighting shall be automatically controlled so that lighting is off when daylight is available (§130.2(c)1).
- Automatic Scheduling Controls: All outdoor lighting shall be automatically controlled by a time-based scheduling control (§130.2(c)2).
- Motion-Sensing Controls: Outdoor luminaires greater than 40 watts and mounted 24 ft or less above the ground shall be controlled by motion-sensing controls. This applies to luminaires providing general hardscape lighting, outdoor sales lot lighting, vehicle service station hardscape lighting, or vehicle service station canopy lighting (§130.2(c)3).
Outdoor lighting control requirements do not apply to any of the following lighting applications:
- Lighting where a health or life safety statute, ordinance, or regulation prohibits outdoor lighting to be turned OFF or reduced.
- Lighting in tunnels required to be illuminated 24 hours per day and 365 days per year.
Can irrigation controllers be on the same power circuit as lighting?
The outdoor lighting load may be on the same circuit with other electrical loads if the outdoor lighting load is independently controlled from all other electrical loads.
All installed outdoor lighting must be controlled by a photocontrol, astronomical time-switch control, or other controls that automatically turns off the outdoor lighting when daylight is available.
- A photocontrol measures the amount of ambient light outdoors. When the light level outside is high enough to indicate that it is daytime, the control turns lighting off.
- Astronomical time-switch controls require an initial setup of the time clock device, which may include the entry of the current date and time (and time zone), site location (by longitude and latitude), and whether daylight saving time is applicable. The clock calculates sunrise and sunset times (which vary by location and day of the year) and turns lighting off at sunrise and on at sunset.
Astronomical time switches are time-based controls that can be used to meet the daylight availability and automatic scheduling control requirements.
All installed outdoor lighting shall be controlled by an automatic scheduling control capable of reducing lighting power by 50 to 90 percent and separately capable of turning lighting off when not needed according to a schedule.
Further, automatic scheduling controls are required to have the capability of programming at least two nighttime periods (a scheduled occupied period and a scheduled unoccupied period) with different light levels, if desirable by the building design and operation.
Automatic scheduling controls provide flexibility to accommodate changes in building operation. If different operating schedules or different lighting levels are desired, the settings of the automatic scheduling controls can be adjusted.
There are applications in which there are benefits to employ both motion-sensing controls and automatic scheduling controls. Some lighting applications will require both control types.
Can motion-sensing controls be used together with automatic scheduling controls?
Some applications require the installation of motion-sensing controls. For these applications, automatic scheduling controls are required in addition to motion-sensing controls. During the scheduled occupied period, motion-sensing controls can detect occupancy of an outdoor space and turn on or reduce lighting based on the occupancy of the space. During the scheduled unoccupied period, the automatic scheduling control can turn off all lighting.
Is the automatic scheduling control requirement applicable to a building occupied 24 hours per day, seven days per week?
Yes, automatic scheduling controls are required for buildings that are occupied 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
Business activities can change over time as business models and hours of operation evolve. The required nighttime periods of a scheduled occupied period and a scheduled unoccupied period are decided by the building owner or the building operator, as appropriate, to suit the business needs.
Acceptance Tests Required for Automatic Scheduling Controls
Outdoor automatic scheduling controls are required to have acceptance testing conducted to confirm the appropriate schedules are programmed and the controls operate per the programmed schedule. The acceptance test procedures are detailed in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.8.5. Refer to Section 6.7.5 of this manual for details about outdoor lighting controls acceptance test.
Outdoor luminaires greater than 40 watts, where the bottom of the luminaire is mounted 24 ft. or less above the ground, shall be operated with motion-sensing controls if they are used in the following applications:
- General hardscape lighting including parking lot lighting
- Vehicle service station hardscape lighting and canopy lighting
- Wall pack lighting installed for building façade, ornamental hardscape, or outdoor dining lighting
The motion sensing controls shall:
- Be capable of reducing the lighting power of each luminaire by at least 50 percent and no more than 90 percent, and separately be capable of turning the luminaire off during unoccupied periods.
- Be capable of reducing the lighting to the dim or off state within 15 minutes of vacancy detection and turning the lighting back on upon occupancy.
- Control no more than 1,500 watts of lighting power by a single sensor or as a single zone.
Exceptions to All Motion-Sensing Control Requirements
The motion control requirements do not apply to applications listed as exceptions to §140.7(a). These applications exempted from the motion controls requirements of §130.2(c)3 when more than 50 percent of the light fails in the application. The applications include temporary outdoor lighting, lighting for public roadways, and lighting for public monuments. The complete listing can be found in Section 140.7(a). Exempt lighting applications are also provided on the rightmost column of Table 6-1.
In addition, luminaires serving the following applications are not required to have motion-sensing controls:
- Lighting for outdoor sales frontage, building façades, ornamental hardscape, and outdoor dining (wall pack luminaires in these applications must meet motion sensor requirements).
- Luminaires with a rated wattage of 40 watts or less.
- Wall pack luminaires and luminaires mounted greater than 24 feet above grade.
- Lighting subject to health or life safety statute, ordinance, or regulation may have a minimum time-out period longer than 15 minutes or a minimum dimming level above 50 percent.
Acceptance Tests Required for Motion Sensing Controls
Motion-sensing controls are required to have an acceptance testing conducted to confirm that the sensor can sense activity within the detection zone and turn lighting on when occupancy is detected and reduce or turn lighting off within 15 minutes of vacancy detected. The acceptance test procedures are detailed in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.8.1. Refer to Section 6.7.5 of this manual for details about outdoor lighting controls acceptance test.
All installed lighting control device and systems must meet the functionality requirements in §110.9(b). In addition, all components of a lighting control system installed together shall meet all applicable requirements for the application for which they are installed as required in §130.0 through §130.5, §140.6 through §140.8, §141.0, and §150.0(k).
Designers and installers should review features of their specified lighting control products for meeting the requirements of §110.9(b) as part of the code compliance process.
- D. Time-Switch Lighting Controls
Time-switch lighting control products shall provide the functionality listed in §110.9(b)1 of the Energy Code. - E. Daylighting Controls
Daylighting control products shall provide the functionality listed in §110.9(b)2 of the Energy Code. - G. Occupant-Sensing Controls
Occupant-sensing control products for outdoor lighting applications (including motion sensors) shall provide the functionality listed in §110.9(b)4 and §110.9(b)6 of the Energy Code.
One important feature of occupant sensing controls is that it must automatically reduce lighting or turn the lighting off within 20 minutes after the area has been vacated.
Example 6-13: Designer Responsibility for Lighting Control Devices and Systems
What is the responsibility of the designer regarding using lighting control products that meet the functionality requirements in §110.9(b)?
It is the responsibility of the designer to specify only lighting control products that meet the functionality requirements in §110.9(b).
Example 6-14: Installer Responsibility for Lighting Control Devices and Systems
What is the responsibility of the installer regarding using lighting control products that meet the functionality requirements in §110.9(b)?
It is the responsibility of the installer to install only lighting control products that meet the functionality requirements in §110.9(b). It is also the responsibility of the installer to sign the installation certificate.