The multifamily building configuration is defined by the user through entries that include floor areas, wall areas, roof and ceiling areas, fenestration (which includes skylights), and door areas, the performance characteristics such as U-factors, R-values, solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), solar reflectance, and information about the orientation and tilt is required for roofs, and other elements, and end use energy use such as HVAC, lighting, and DHW. Details about any solar generation systems and battery storage are also defined. The user entries for all these building elements are consistent with the actual building design and configuration. If the compliance software models the specific geometry of the building by using a coordinate system or graphic entry technique, the data generated are consistent with the actual building design and configuration.

Title 24, Part 6 Energy Code Compliance Forms
Nonresidential & High-rise Multifamily
Low-rise Multifamily

Title 24, Part 6 Energy Code
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Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations