The significant changes for outdoor lighting systems in the 2022 update to the Energy Code include:
Lighting Zones 1-4 have new definitions according to U.S. Census designations for rural, urban cluster, and urban areas.
Updates to lighting power allowances for general hardscape lighting in Table 140.7-A including reduction in lighting power allowances and using a single allowance for all hardscape surfaces instead of separate allowances for concrete and asphalt surfaces. Allowances follow IES RP-8 recommended practices.
Updates to specific applications in Table 140.7-B, including addition of security camera application.
All instances of the term “cutoff” have been updated to the term “shielding”; these terms refer to the same luminaire distribution features.
See Section 11.6 for changes to the Multifamily Outdoor Lighting Compliance Manual.
Reorganization of and improvement in phrasing of the outdoor lighting control requirements in §130.2(c) to enhance readability.