3.4 Relocatable Public School Buildings

§140.3, Table 140.3-D,
Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA4

Public school building design is defined by these prescriptive requirements:

  • TABLE 140.3-B covers prescriptive requirements for climate-specific relocatable public school buildings.
  • Table 140.3-D covers prescriptive requirements for relocatable public school buildings that can be installed in any climate zone.
  • Building envelopes must meet the prescriptive requirements in §140.3. For additional design requirements, refer to §140.3 and Reference Appendices, Nonresidential Appendix NA4.

Manufacturers must certify compliance and provide documentation according to the chosen method of compliance. Performance compliance calculations must be performed for multiple orientations, with each model using the same proposed design energy features rotated through eight different orientations either in climate zones 14, 15 or 16, or the specific climate zones in which the relocatable building is installed. Also see §140.3(a)8 and §141.0(b)2.

When the relocatable building is manufactured for use in specific climate zones and cannot be lawfully used in other climate zones, the energy budget must be met for each climate zone that the manufacturer/building certifies, using prescriptive envelope criteria in TABLE 140.3-B. The energy budget and the energy use of the proposed building must be determined using the multiple orientation approach specified in the Reference Appendices, Nonresidential Appendix NA4. The manufacturer/builder shall meet the requirements for identification labels specified in §140.3(a)8.

When the manufacturer/builder certifies a relocatable public school building for use in any climate zone, the building must be designed and built to meet the energy budget for the most severe climate zones (as specified in the Reference Appendices, Nonresidential Appendix NA4), assuming the prescriptive envelope criteria in 140.3-D of the Energy Code.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

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