1.5 What’s New for 2022
1.5.1 Envelope

Reduced the allowed area of site-built fenestration that is not rated by the National Fenestration Rating Council from 1,000 square feet (sq. ft) to 200 sq. ft (NA6).

1.5.2 Lighting
  1. Changes to indoor and outdoor lighting power allowances to be based on light-emitting diode (LED) lighting technologies (§140.6 and §140.7) Revisions to lighting power density (LPD) values in Table 140.6-B, 140.6-C, 140.6-D, 140.7-A, and 140.7-B.
  2. Revision and streamlining luminaire classification and wattage requirements.
  3. New lighting power adjustment for small-aperture tunable white and dim-to-warm LED luminaires.
  4. New power adjustment factors (PAFs) for daylighting devices including horizontal slats, light shelves, and clerestory fenestrations (§140.6(a)2L). New prescriptive requirements of daylighting devices including horizontal slats, light shelves, and clerestory fenestrations (§140.3[d]).
  5. Clarification and streamlining of manual area controls requirements, multilevel lighting controls requirements, and automatic daylighting control requirements. Restrooms to comply with occupancy sensing control requirements. A new section for indoor lighting control interactions (§130.1).
  6. Revision and streamlining of outdoor lighting control requirements (§130.2[c]).
  7. Revision and streamlining of requirements for alterations, including the merging of three sections into a single "Altered Indoor Lighting Systems" section, the alignment of two reduced-power options on controls, and trigger threshold of projects more than 5,000 sq. ft. (§141.0[b]2I). Revised and consolidated Table 141.0-F.
1.5.3 Mechanical
  1. New mandatory requirements for demand response HVAC controls (§110.12[a] and §110.12[b]).
  2. New mandatory requirements for ventilation and indoor air quality (§120.1).
  3. Revision of the mandatory requirements for demand control ventilation (§120.1[d]).
  4. Healthcare buildings overseen by the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) (formerly the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD)) shall comply with the Energy Code. However, there are exceptions for healthcare facilities to avoid conflicting requirements.
  5. Revision of the requirements for occupancy-sensing zone controls (§120.2[e]3).
  6. Revision of the mandatory requirements for economizer fault detection and diagnostics (§120.2[i] and §140.9(a)1A).
  7. New mandatory requirements for adiabatic condensers for heat rejection for refrigeration systems (§120.6).
  8. Revision of the prescriptive requirements for fan power limitation (§140.4[c]).
  9. New prescriptive requirements for space-conditioning zone controls (§140.4[d]).
  10. New prescriptive requirements for water economizers (§140.4[e]3).
  11. New prescriptive requirements for cooling tower efficiency (§140.4[h]5).
  12. New prescriptive requirements for exhaust system transfer air (§140.4[o]).
  13. New prescriptive requirements calling for heat pump water heaters for smaller school buildings, higher efficiency for high-capacity gas water heating; hotel/motels are required to meet reorganized multifamily water heating requirements. (§140.5)
  14. New requirements for Dedicated Outside Air Systems (§140.4[p]).
  15. New requirements for Exhaust Air Heat Recovery(§140.4[q]).
1.5.4 Electrical
  1. Healthcare facilities overseen by the (OSHPD) have to comply with the applicable requirements of Section 130.5 for electrical power distribution systems. There are exceptions for healthcare facilities to avoid potentially conflicting requirements for healthcare facilities.
1.5.5 Covered Processes
  1. New mandatory requirements for controlled environmental horticulture systems (§120.6[h]).
  2. New mandatory requirements for steam traps (§120.6[i]).
  3. New mandatory requirements for compressed air systems (§120.6[e]).
  4. New mandatory requirements for computer rooms, including uninterruptible power supplies, and revisions to existing prescriptive requirements for economizers for computer rooms (§120.6[j], §140.9(a), and §141.1[b]).
  5. New mandatory requirements for transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems (§120.6[b]).
1.5.7 Multifamily
  1. The new chapter 11 of this manual consolidates multifamily compliance into one chapter.
  2. The 2022 Energy Code grouped all multifamily building requirements together, regardless of number of stories, and relocated all relevant multifamily code to sections §160.0 through 180.2.
  3. Revisions to language and content to §160.0

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

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