1.4 Organization

This document is organized in five chapters and several appendices, as follows:

Chapters and descriptions:

  1. Overview
    The purpose, organization, and content of the manual.
  2. General Modeling Procedures
    An overview of the modeling process, outlining the modeling rules and assumptions that are implemented in the same way for the standard design and the proposed design, and procedures for determining system types and equipment sizes.
  3. Compliance Software Requirements
    Requirements for the simulation engines and implementation of compliance rules used to make calculations, and special reporting requirements for nonstandard building features.
  4. Content and Format of Standard Reports
    The content and organization of the standard reports produced by qualifying compliance software.
  5. Nonresidential Building Descriptors Reference
    The acceptable range of inputs for the proposed design and a specification for the standard design for nonresidential buildings.
  6. Multifamily Building Descriptors Reference
    The acceptable range of inputs for the proposed design and a specification for the standard design for multifamily buildings.

In addition, there are several appendices that contain reference material supporting definition of the proposed design and standard design. The numbering for these appendices generally aligns with the chapter numbers in the main manual that reference the appendices.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

© 2025 PG&E, SDG&E and SCE. All rights reserved, except that this content may be used, copied, and distributed without modification. Neither PG&E, SDG&E, nor SCE — nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express of implied; or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any data, information, method, product, policy or process disclosed in this document; or represents that its use will not infringe any privately-owned rights including, but not limited to patents, trademarks or copyrights.