A process boiler is a type of boiler with a capacity (rated maximum input) of 300,000 Btu/h or more that serves a process. A process is an activity or treatment that is not related to the space conditioning, service water heating, or ventilating of a building as it relates to human occupancy.
Combustion air positive shutoff shall be provided on all newly installed process boilers as follows:
- All process boilers with an input capacity of 2.5 MMBtu/h (2,500,000 Btu/h) and above, in which the boiler is designed to operate with a non-positive vent static pressure. This is sometimes referred to as natural draft or atmospheric boilers. Forced draft boilers, which rely on a fan to provide the appropriate amount of air into the combustion chamber, are exempt from this requirement.
- All process boilers where one stack serves two or more boilers with a combined input capacity per stack of 2.5 MMBtu/h (2,500,000 Btu/h). This requirement applies to natural draft and forced draft boilers.
Combustion air positive shutoff is a means of restricting air flow through a boiler combustion chamber during standby periods and is used to reduce standby heat loss. A flue damper and a vent damper are two examples of combustion air positive shutoff devices.
Installed dampers can be interlocked with the gas valve so that the damper closes and inhibits airflow through the heat transfer surfaces when the burner has cycled off, thus reducing standby losses. Natural draft boilers receive the most benefit from draft dampers because they have less resistance to airflow than forced draft boilers. Forced draft boilers rely on the driving force of the fan to push the combustion gases through an air path that has relatively higher resistance to flow than in a natural draft boiler. Positive shutoff on a forced draft boiler is most important on systems with a tall stack height or multiple boiler systems sharing a common stack.
Combustion air fans with motors 10 horsepower or larger shall meet one of the following for newly installed boilers:
- The fan motor shall be driven by a variable-speed drive, or
- The fan motor shall include controls that limit the fan motor demand to no more than 30 percent of the total design wattage at 50 percent of design air volume.
Electricity savings result from run time at part-load conditions. As the boiler firing rate decreases, the combustion air fan speed can be decreased.
Newly installed process boilers with an input capacity of 5 MMBtu/h (5,000,000 Btu/h) shall maintain excess (stack-gas) oxygen concentrations at less than or equal to 3.0 percent by volume on a dry basis over firing rates of 20 percent to 100 percent. Combustion air volume shall be controlled with respect to measured flue gas oxygen concentration. Use of a common gas and combustion air control linkage or jack shaft is prohibited.
One way to meet this requirement is with parallel position control. Boilers mix air with fuel (usually natural gas, although sometimes diesel or oil) to supply oxygen during combustion. Stoichiometric combustion is the ideal air/fuel ratio where the mixing proportion is correct, the fuel is completely burned, and the oxygen is entirely consumed. Boilers operate most efficiently when the combustion airflow rate is slightly higher than the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. However, common practice almost always relies on excess air to ensure complete combustion, avoid unburned fuel and potential explosion, and prevent soot and smoke in the exhaust. Excess air has a penalty, which is increased stack heat loss and reduced combustion efficiency.
Parallel positioning controls optimize the combustion excess air to improve the combustion efficiency of the boiler. It includes individual servo motors allowing the fuel supply valve and the combustion air damper to operate independently of each other. This system relies on preset fuel mapping (i.e., a pre-programmed combustion curve) to establish proper air damper positions (as a function of the fuel valve position) throughout the full range of burner fire rate. Developing the combustion curve is a manual process, performed in the field with a flue-gas analyzer in the exhaust stack, determining the air damper positions as a function of the firing rate/fuel valve position. Depending on type of burner, a more consistent level of excess oxygen can be achieved with parallel position compared to single-point positioning control, since the combustion curve is developed at multiple points (firing rates), typically 10 to 25 points. Parallel positioning controls allow excess air to remain relatively low throughout the firing range of a burner. Maintaining low excess air levels at all firing rates provides significant fuel and cost savings while maintaining a safe margin of excess air to insure complete combustion.
There are no prescriptive measures for process boilers.