10.10 Elevators
10.10.1 Overview

Section 120.6(f) applies to all nonresidential new construction elevators, as well existing elevators undergoing major alterations involving mechanical equipment, lighting, and/or controls. The goal behind this measure is to save energy by reducing light power density of the elevator cab lighting and requiring a minimum wattage per cfm for ventilation fans in cabs without air conditioning. Both the lighting and ventilation fans are to be controlled in such a way to shut off when the elevator has been unoccupied for an extended period. Elevators in healthcare facilities have an exception to the requirements of this section.

10.10.2 Mandatory Measures Elevator Lighting Power Density


The lighting power density of an elevator cab shall not exceed 0.6 watts per square foot (W/ft2). This power density is determined by taking the total wattage of the elevator lighting and dividing by the floor area of the elevator in square feet. Interior signal lighting and interior display lighting are not included in the total wattage of the elevator lighting.

Example 10-75


An elevator with a length of 6 ft and a width of 8 ft has 9 light-emitting diode (LED) lamps at 3 watts each. Does this comply with §120.6(f)1?


Yes. (9 lamps) x (3 watts/lamp) = 27 watts. The square footage of the cab is (6 ft) x (8 ft) = 48 ft2. The lighting power density is equal to 27 watts/48 ft2 = 0.56 W/ft2, which is less than 0.6 W/ft2. Elevator Ventilation CFM Fan Performance


Ventilation fans for cabs without space conditioning shall not exceed 0.33 watts per cubic feet per minute of airflow (W/cfm) at maximum speed. Elevator cabs with space conditioning are excluded from this measure. Elevator Lighting and Fan Shutoff Control


When the elevator cab is stopped and unoccupied with doors closed for more than 15 minutes, the cab interior lighting and ventilation fans shall automatically switch off until elevator cab operation resumes. This can be accomplished with an occupancy sensor or more elaborate built in elevator controls.

10.10.3 Prescriptive Measures

There are no prescriptive measures for elevators.

10.10.4 Additions and Alterations
  • An elevator installation is considered an addition when the location of the installation did not previously contain an elevator.
  • An alteration is a change to an existing elevator system that is not an addition or repair. An alteration could include installing new controls or a new lighting system.
  • A repair is the reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing elevator system for its maintenance, for example, the replacement of lights or cosmetic features.

Any addition or altered space must meet all applicable mandatory requirements. Repairs must not increase the preexisting energy consumption of the repaired component, system, or equipment; otherwise, it is considered an alteration.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

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